Small Business Story: Pure Joy Coffee from Start Small Think Big on Vimeo.


Delia and Chris founded Pure Joy Coffee, a NYC-based e-commerce coffee roasting company, where they sell 100% Colombian specialty coffee online. When everything closed down with the COVID pandemic, their lifestyle and jobs changed quickly, but they saw within that change an opportunity to spend more time building a business and life together - and they came up with something that satisfies their passions. Since joining the Start Small family last year, Delia and Chris have seen their business grow dramatically. Start Small’s legal, financial, and marketing volunteers have provided Pure Joy Coffee with ongoing support around business operations, copyright and trademark, calculating profit margins, and building an online presence. Delia and Chris have seen several exciting outcomes from working with Start Small Think Big, including a huge sale from Women’s International Day, appearing in Start Small Think Big’s Holiday Gift Guide, which resulted in a major bulk sale, and meeting critical mentors who continue to support them.

Visit Pure Joy Coffee


Do you have a Small Business Story you would like to see featured in our blog? 

We’re inviting small business entrepreneurs to share your story for a chance to be featured in our newsletters, social media content, and more. 

Keep reading below for the rules and specifications. We’re excited to hear your entrepreneur story. Happy National Entrepreneurship Month!



  • #SmallBusinessStory
  • #AllForSmall


Accounts to tag:

  • Instagram: @startsmall_thinkbig
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How to Apply:

  • Create a video featuring yourself answering the 1-3 questions below
  • Post your video on Instagram or other social media channels using the specific hashtag(s), and tag Start Small Think Big
  • Submit your video using this form: GO TO FORM
  • Make sure your video is public so that we can see it.



  • Video must be square and/or 9:16 ratio (vertical)
  • Your video should be no longer than 8 minutes
  • If your video is selected, you must be able to provide a copy of the video to us in either MP4 or MOV format



If you’re not in the Start Small Think Big Small Business Community, answer these:

  • Why did you become an entrepreneur/small business owner? Why do you love what you do?
  • Why is your business important to the community?
  • What does being an entrepreneur mean to you?


If you are in the Start Small Think Big Small Business Community, answer these:

  • What does “All For Small” mean to you?
  • How has Start Small Think Big helped you and your business?

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